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From the Desk of Sister Mattie Winn

UCWM President Northern District



June 9, 2023


Greetings our UCWM Sisters!

We thank the Lord that we have come to the end of this fiscal year of our Northern District UCWM ministry. It is amazing that it is now the half way mark to completing 2023 and weeks away from our Diocese Convention. Looking back we can say our God has been faithful bringing us through seen and unseen dangers, but He continues to lead and protect us for which we can all say Praise the Lord.

Our theme for this year has spoken volumes to us as we reflect on the times which we are living. The countless acts of violence throughout our land have caused us to ponder the urgency of the hour. We believe the Lord is calling us to a deeper commitment to Him and take each day He gives us as an opportunity. Procrastination blinds many of us from the task at hand and from seeing those things that the Lord puts much value on. On a recent broadcast that I listen to on a regular basis I have been challenged to evaluate the concern to evangelize and reach souls for Him. It was said that the late D.L. Moody made a commitment to tell someone about the Lord’s plan for Salvation weekly and how he went about to follow through. As I listened I questioned my own heart. We are guilty sometimes about talking about current events readily without offering God’s solution and plan to much of the chaos the media shares. How about you do you need to make a recommitment to reaching those in your sphere of influence with the gospel? It has been said that all of us have an expiration date and none of knows the time, if we did perhaps it would spur us on to be more obedient to all our Lord has commanded in His word.


I have a burden for the young people in our generation, with much sadness we see the plight of our children being exposed to the evils of this world. Who’s going to tell the young people about Jesus and His plan and purpose for their lives? Many of our UCWM bands do not have an active Daughter’s of Esther ministry because many don’t have children or young people in our churches. It all begins with prayer, fervent prayers reaching to the Lord. Today let’s all refocus and become more determined to ask the Lord of the harvest to open up doors to share the gospel and teach them about our Lord.

Sister’s let’s rebuild with the fervor and determination that we’ve read about in the life of Nehemiah for rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. He heard God’s call and took a risk to share with the King the burden of his heart. Faith is risking the situation on God. And we see how faith moved Nehemiah to action. How about you are there things today that need your attention, some family members that have been wounded or have wounded you, a sister or brother in Christ where relationships have broken down? Let’s rebuild the walls of relationships that have broken down, because NOW IS the Time. It all begins with prayer and waiting before the Lord whose ears are open to our prayer.



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